Reproductions of out-of-print innovative writing.

Many thanks are due to Jack Inman, Lynn Doyle, Miles Lally, Michael Lally, Allen Fisher, Clark Coolidge, Jason Morris, and Caitlin Lally Hotaling for supporting this project and work. 

POET by Clark Coolidge
—Published by Pressed Wafer in 2018

Exposed Faces by Tina Darragh
—Published as A.BACUS #2 in 1984

A(gain)2st the Odds by Tina Darragh
—Published by Potes & Poets in 1989

Striking Resemblance by Tina Darragh
—Published by Burning Deck in 1989

“Light Tables” by Tina Darragh
—Published in Art & Con #3 in 1990

6tpf/6tyn by Tina Darragh
—Published by Potes & Poets in 1997

Dream Rim Instructions by Tina Darragh
—Published by Drogue Press in 1999

Living Gloves by Lynn Doyle
—Published by E.P. Dutton in 1986

Poetry for Schools by Allen Fisher
—Published by Aloe Editions in 1980/82

Slow Lightning: Poems of Martin Heidegger
—Translated by Jack Hirschman
—Published by Deliriodendron Press in 2001

Federalist 10 by Susan Howe
—Published as A.BACUS #30 in 1987

These Days by Lee Lally
—Published by Some of Us Press in 1972

What Happens Next by P Inman
—Published by Some of Us Press in 1974

Think of One by P Inman
—Published by Potes & Poets in 1986

VEL by P Inman
—Published by O Books in 1995

2 Poems by P Inman
—Published by Tolling Elves in 2002

Tuumba Press: Poem Cards and Ephemera

2 Pieces of (Gertrude) “Steiniana”
—“Lucretia Borgia” (Albondocani Press)
—“Why Are There Whites to Console?” (Aloe Editions)

4 Pieces of (Gertrude) “Steiniana”
—“Last Will and Testament” (n.p.)
—“Two Poems” (Banyan Press)
—“Christmas Greeting” (Sans Souci Press)
—“A Valentine” (All Kinds Blintzes Press)